What Is YOUniverse?
Universe comes from the Latin Universum, which means combined into one and whole. The Universe is all things, everybody, the entire world. When I think of Universe I think of connection. In that Universe are people, places, creation, nature, experiences, energy, vibrations, frequencies, and energy exchange. Everything is connected. Have you ever thought how you ended up meeting a person or persons? Your paths collided. There was already a connection there through a vibrational frequency, a YOUniversal magnetism. When people meet and become friends or start a relationship they meet because they vibrate at a similar frequency. The frequency created the connection. Certain people love to be certain places because they are connected to that place. I am the type of person who has to be connected to a certain place or I will not be in that place.
This is where the energy exchange comes in because everything is energy. Whether you are in a place, around certain people, environment, etc., you are exchanging energy and connecting with that place on an energetic level. Spirit animals have become a popular term and/or trend. For some people spirit animals are trendy and a very cool thing to say, but spirit animals are real. Animals are creation from the source of life, the Creator, Most High, and highest of highest powers. Animals are here for signs and wonders. Animals have souls and animals carry messages from the unseen, through Spirit to lead, guide, and direct us.
Whether we need direction or encouragement animals are here for us. This is partly why I am vegan. I do not want to eat the messenger. As EYE am writing this Archangel Michael is telling people to stop eating animals, as this is a harassment of nature in its organic form. This is a warning from the Most High. Animals have messages to release. There is a time, season, and place for their messages to come through and the time is now. We are all connected to animals and while there is no such thing as time on a clock there is divine timing, which exceeds time and space. It is continuous and limitless, governed by the higher powers on the plane of Spirit.
The trees, the thunder, the oceans want to speak to you, but are you open to that? Are you blocking off this connection? You are creation; you are similar to that of a plant. Most of us are created from sacred geometry. Is not nature created from sacred geometry? Though they may not have voices that can be deciphered in the modern English language, they have a frequency that swirls up the Fibonacci Spiral of Spirit and can be heard through an open heart. Are you hearing their messages? There are warnings in the thunder. Trees have feminine and masculine energy. We as people have feminine and masculine energy. While we all serve different purposes we can learn from everything and everyone around us. Humility is the key.
Notice that Universe and everything in the Universe is the macrocosm. Understand or innerstand that we are the microcosm in a macrocosm. It is up to us to raise or lower the vibration of the macrocosm. Another word for microcosm is YOUniverse. We are spiritual beings having a fleshly experience on earth. Although we be a small part, we come from something so powerful. Many people like myself are light workers. In order to spread love, positivity, wholesome wellness, and holistic health vibes throughout, the inner work has to be done. If you vibrate at a low frequency, this is the frequency that you are putting out to the macrocosm, the Universe. The collective consciousness can feel that low vibration and will therefore have to transmute, using observe, not absorb mentality. Lower vibrational thoughts will come. How we deal with those thoughts is completely up to us.
We as people carry our very own special, unique frequency. This is the measure of faith. All of us were birthed and born with certain gifts, frequential equations, and vibrations. Everyone was given a purpose, a purpose to somehow put light into the world. Whatever talent and gifts you have, the purpose is to bring peace and light into the world. Others discourage many people when it comes to doing their purpose, sharing their gifts, and talents. You really need to understand that you have the capability of eliminating discouraging, toxic ass people from your YOUniverse. If you do not want them there they do not have to be there.
Look within yourself, only focusing on what you want out of life. Do not focus on what you do not want. Focus on your breath and your Spirit. I wrote an excellent blog on the spirit/breath connection here. When you focus on outside forces, which I discussed on Episode 205 of the Avi Unfiltered Podcast, you will get sidetracked. Imagine traveling in your conveyance and you look to the left, taking your hand off the staring wheel. What happens? You crash. Sometimes people will come with their low vibrational frequencies to distract and attempt to detract, but you have to stay focused. They do not understand you or know how to take you, therefore they try to bring you down to their YOUniverse. Stay in your YOUniverse. Some people will get jealous and insecure and try to be on your YOUniverse, but your frequency is too fast for them.
A warning for people who are hateful and jealous…When you attempt to be negative towards and individual, but then attempt to want to be that person imagine a string vibrating at a high frequency. Imagine your neck coming into contact with that string. Your head gets decapitated in the process. Why? That frequency was too high for you. Be careful trying to intercept with a person’s frequency by talking badly about them or attempting to send the bad vibes. I say attempt because as mentioned in Episode 205 of Avi Unfiltered Podcast, whatever frequency you put out goes back to you.
Always remember to grow where you are planted. Bloom and water yourself according to your YOUniverse. Only you know what goes on in your world. Work on yourself, but do not rush the process due to comparing yourself to another person’s YOUniverse. You are your own person.
What positive changes are you making to raise the Universal vibration through YOUniverse?
Let me know in the comments!!!