Does Decluttering Your Mind
Prevent Depression?
5 minute read
Depression is a mood disorder that plagues the lives of a multitude of people.
It is unfortunate that sadness and loss of interest has become their norm.
There’s a lot of misinformation given by the mainstream media on how there’s no cure for depression. People feel as though they don’t stand a chance at happiness.
But this isn’t the truth…
There was a study that showed how household chaos had adverse effects on cognitive function.
This study shows how depression is sometimes created by circumstances. When you can change the circumstance, you can create a positive outcome.
Many people believe creating a sacred space in your home can help achieve this. This practice is called feng shui.
Feng Shui Creates Vigor
Feng shui is an ancient practice used to create a spatial arrangement that allows the energy to flow better. Feng means wind and shui means water. The idea of this is to cultivate a place where one can harmonize with their environment.
However, when there is a lot of stuff around the house the energy can feel stuck. This will make you feel a lack of motivation and a loss of vigor for life. This can also trick your mind into thinking you have a lot to do and never enough time to do it.
That mindset can keep you in a cycle of depression and low energy.
But when you know how to do feng shui this can give you an energy boost. Want to learn how to do feng shui? Here’s a great write up of the topic from The Spruce.
You can bring more vigor into your life by making the time to do some feng shui.
How To Schedule Feng Shui With Ease
Scheduling time to clean your space doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Sometimes when people think of cleaning that overwhelming feeling overtakes them. You can feel hot and sweaty, have a rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.
In my experience people tend to get overwhelmed when they block off a large chunk of time. This can send your mind into cognitive dysfunction…
And you may constantly distract yourself with everything but cleaning.
Thankfully you can avoid this at all costs by observing when you feel the most energized. This way you can be productive during that time. I wrote an excellent article that helps you discover when you feel your best to accomplish tasks. Give it a read right here.
Utilize what you’ve learned in that article to train your mind to complete tasks in small chunks of time.
That sense of completion has the potential to give you a boost of energy…
Because when there is less clutter there is less chaos in your mind.
Less Clutter, Less Chaos
Now that you know how to cleanse your outward space, it’s time to tackle your inward space. Have you ever gotten a stress headache because you felt as though life was chaotic? Well, this happens when your mind is cluttered, and you feel as though you don’t have solutions.
This can be a draining experience and may cause stagnation in life. To avoid this, you want to follow my 4-step method that I’ve taught my clients in my programs:
#1 Do a brain dump
You can begin to alleviate your mind when you get all your thoughts out on paper. You do not have to write in complete sentences and the grammar does not have to be perfect. The goal is to reduce the space in your mind so you can feel less stressed. For example, “…dog, smoothie, company meeting, Christmas pumpkin had babies…”.
How’s that for a sentence?
And this is the same question that your mind may be asking.
When there isn’t enough space, it is hard for information to be processed, which causes the physical body to not do anything.
When you brain dump you can make sense of what is happening internally and start to come up with solutions.
#2 Make a list
From that brain dump make a list of 5-7 words or sentences that stick out to you.
The idea is to not overwhelm yourself with many things. During this process you are lightening the load.
Making a list allows your brain to organize your thoughts based on priority. You can see what’s been in your head the entire time.
This will create momentum in getting things done.
#3 Circle the stressor
Even though you may be feeling less overwhelmed, that list was initially created from the things that were stressing you.
What you’re going to do now is circle the 1-3 stressors on that list.
This enables you to pinpoint and laser focus in on coming up with solutions to accomplish those tasks.
Being able to pinpoint one to three things will increase your focus.
Focusing on less is key in completing what was formerly a daunting task because there are no distractions.
#4 Eliminate the stressor
Now that you know what your stressors are you can come up with a plan to eliminate them.
In order to get rid of something you need the motivation and the discipline. The truth is every day you may not be motivated, but your determination will get you through.
I’ve worked with clients on a global scale, and we always discuss why they want to reach their goals.
I have found that once they know why they’re doing something they are always disciplined to succeed at their goals.
I help my clients all the time with their stress in life in my Eat Stress Away Program. If you want to book a consultation and come up with an individualized action plan you can book with me here.
Preventing Depression
While decluttering your mind doesn’t prevent depression you can certainly find ways to lessen depression symptoms.
Decluttering is the preliminary to healing depression. It is an exciting way for you to get to the root of why you may hold onto people, places, and things that no longer serve you.
When you get to the root of depression you can begin to heal it. As a spiritual healer I absolutely believe that every ailment can be healed through spiritual and holistic modalities.
In fact, I have helped countless people get rid of their depression, anxiety, stress, and transform their mindset so they can have more peace. Here are some of the clients I’ve helped here.
Give these tips a try and see how decluttering helps your mind.
How has decluttering helped you?
Let me know in the comments!