Non-Toxic Course: The Ultimate Blueprint to a Toxin Free Lifestyle
Get rid of harmful chemicals for good and cure any ailments.
Experience better air quality and clear skin.
Get It Now For Only

About Me
I never had a healthy start. I was birthed with a compromised immune system and had over 20 vaccines prior to knowing about holistic health. Can you say walking miracle?
I haven’t had a vaccine in 10 or more years and would never get one again.
For 30 years I struggled with ailments. Sicknesses ranged from asthma to terminal cancer, which I eventually healed years later.
Holistic and non-toxic living started back in 2013 when I became a plant-based vegan. Eating healthy led me down a path of eliminating everything that wasn’t conducive for my body or the environment.
As the years went by I started writing blogs for various beauty companies. In 2015, I went to school to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Educator.
I wanted to heal myself because I had diabetes, liver damage, edema, leptin resistance, heart problems, and breathing issues. Once finished, I traveled doing speaking engagements on the benefits of plants and essential oils.
It was a pleasure to introduce medical staff to these gems in a bottle and to save many lives in the process. One of the hospital stories that stood out to me was this innocent baby who was placed on a respirator.
He wasn’t expected to live, but his parents were willing to do anything at this point. I received a phone call and intuitively picked up on an essential oil and holistic protocol that would get him off the respirator for good.
Back in 2018, I launched my own healthy skincare line at Artists & Fleas SoHo. Then my health took a turn for the worse when I found out I had ataxia and Familial Hemiplegic Migraine.
This caused me to become paralyzed on my left side, lose motor skills, and lose my speech. I was in and out of the hospital and bed-ridden.
A year later I was exposed to benzene, a toxic chemical in paint. I burned from the inside out, went into anaphyhlactic shock, and discovered I had leukemia/lymphoma all at the same time.
There were times I thought I was going to die. It got to the point where I screamed with excruciating pain, couldn’t down an 8 oz. glass of water, and loss my appetite.
Thanks to the Creator…holistic health doctors…resources…my positive attitude - I healed and beat cancer.
Since then, I have been educating people all over the world via the Avi Unfiltered Podcast and social media on the benefits of non-toxic living.
Introducing world-renowned doctors on my show has been a great experience and going viral several times on TikTok based on my expertise has been rewarding.
It would be super selfish of me to withhold all of this valuable information from you as to how I finally healed and how you can to.
As cliche as it sounds knowledge is power and what you don’t know can hurt you. See you may be educated on some things like I was, but what you don’t know can pose serious health risk.
Thankfully for you I have compiled all of my resources in this course so you can steer clear of toxins and live a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle.
How do chemicals affect airways?
Are you excited about being suffocated?
Now, not to sound morbid…but imagine someone smothering you with a pillow.
This will eventually cut off your air supply…
And this same imaginative concept can be applied to real life exposure to toxins.
Overtime toxic chemicals will negatively affect your airways.
This is why many people have breathing problems…chronic illness…allergies…lymphatic system stagnation…
The list goes on…
And quality of life becomes poor.
You can’t function at your optimum when your health is impaired.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
People across the globe are breathing better and have glowing skin because they reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals.
Are harmful chemicals only found in food?
Harmful chemicals are found in everything, from your food to your clothing that you wear on a daily basis.
Dismissing this as something that is minor is the same as ignoring flesh-eating bacteria.
Your skin is the largest organ on your body that has no filters and the food you consume can wreak havoc on your health.
So, if you want to avoid detriment to your overall health then living the non-toxic lifestyle is the way to go.
This can improve your overall quality of life and have a positive effect on your mind, body, spirit, and soul.
With all this poison floating in the air, in the products you buy, and the food - going toxin free is now at the forefront for everyone.
Can people be toxic?
Yes, people can be toxic and also have an impact on your health.
Have you ever been around your favorite person?
Did you feel like there was a boost in mood?
That person is a non-toxic individual.
Have you ever been around a person that didn’t have your best interest at heart?
Did you feel drained?
That is a toxic individual.
People like this can put you in a bad mood, make you feel less confident, and depressed.
It is imperative to keep these people out of your life and there are ways to do that.
You will find viable solutions to releasing toxic people without guilt in my Non-Toxic Course video trainings.
I take a practical and proven approach to teaching the Non-Toxic Course.
It is strategically broken up into 6 modules…
In Module 1 you’ll learn how to live the non-toxic lifestyle and what it entails.
In Module 2 you’ll learn how to get rid of toxic people that are no longer serving you.
In Module 3 you’ll learn the difference between toxic and non-toxic household products.
In Module 4 you’ll learn the difference between toxic beauty and non-toxic beauty products.
In Module 5 you’ll learn how certain ingredients in fashion puts you at health risk and ways to avoid this.
In Module 6 you’ll learn what foods to look for that will encourage optimal health and foods to avoid.
The ONLY way to upgrade your life is by getting rid of anything detrimental to your overall health and embracing what is better for your overall health.
No education on how toxic products and ingredients is why many get sick and feel depressed.
This doesn’t have to be your story.
You can be the non-toxic, healthy example.
Some people may be aware that certain products and ingredients are unhealthy…
But they don’t know to what extent and this is when immediate panic kicks in.
Because this can pose a serious danger and health risk.
People unknowingly die all the time due to a lack of knowledge.
There’s been stories of people dying from flesh-eating bacteria and sepsis - both of which can be caused by toxic ingredients.
Unfortunately this will continue to happen…but you can change this by educating yourself.
Why not prioritize yourself and gain knowledge that will prevent illness?
Why not prioritize yourself and boost your mood in the process?
When you do this you are setting yourself to live a happier life without potential sickness.
“...I made adjustments following your recommendations and took the first steps to see huge benefits to my skin, energy level, and overall health throughout. I will be doing my part with your guided coaching program to continue making lifestyle changes ensuring the best results in my health and wellness goals.”
What You’ll Get Inside The Non-Toxic Course.
Yes, I know you have a busy schedule so no need to worry. With this self-paced course you can access the video trainings at a time that’s convenient for you.
There are 6 videos and guides that go along with each one so you can retain the information and implement what you’ve learned right away.
With lifetime access you can revisit these videos whenever your schedule allows. The course is strategically organized into 6 modules…
Module One
Living The Non-Toxic Lifestyle Discover what living the non-toxic lifestyle means and how it will improve your everyday life for the better. Implement expert-approved techniques that will support the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life.
Module Two
Non-Toxic People Cure your people-pleasing tendencies and your stress over letting toxic people go. Gain exclusive knowledge about who’s good for you and who you need to let go of. All of this can be done without anxiety and conflict when you incorporate my proven methods.
Module Three
Non-Toxic Household Products Get science-backed research as to what ingredients are conducive to your health and what ingredients cause health problems. Become enlightened as to what products help clear your airways, detox your bloodstream, and purify the air in your home.
Module Four
Non-Toxic Beauty Products Your makeup and hair products can severely damage your skin and cause physical health decline. Protect your skin and nourish your cells with healthy ingredients and products. You will know exactly what to use and what to stay away from.
Module Five
Non-Toxic Fashion Skin irritation is common with toxic ingredients in clothing. However, many people aren’t aware that the skin irritation they experience is from the clothes they wear. Discover how to get at the root cause and wear clothing that works best for your skin and body without adverse effects.
Module Six
Non-Toxic Food All food is not created equal. In fact, all food is not food. Fake ingredients can pose a danger to the body. Learn what foods can easily be digested and what foods you should steer clear from. You will have the exact tools to choose ingredients that love you back and won’t cultivate any health problems.
“The program has helped me prioritize my mental, physical, and spiritual needs more than ever before. I genuinely am do thankful for this program because I am learning to take care of myself for the better and it has shown in many different ways.”
The epic outcome from taking this course…
Once you complete this course you will:
Have the tools you need to cleanse your environment within your home and body.
Be more peaceful because you got rid of toxicity.
Breathe better.
Have more knowledge than others on non-toxic living so you can be an example.
Be able to purify your home on a mind, body, spirit, and soul level.
Cure people pleasing tendencies and never deal with toxic people again.
Eat for your health and do good for the environment in the process.
Plus Three Bonuses

Bonus #1 - How To Lose Weight Effectively + Sustainably Webinar
Dieting sucks and is the main reason why people end up gaining the weight they were initially trying to lose.
It's a frustrating experience to work so hard and unknowingly sabotage your efforts because you can't stick to that boring A$$ diet.
I get it! I was in your shoes years ago and this is one of the reasons I came up with a VERY SPECIFIC way of eating where you don't feel deprived.
What if you could eat your food favorites and fall in love with food again? What if you could lose weight without being miserable and sad? What if you could lose weight and keep it off?
Well, the good news is you CAN! I'm going to show you just how fun it is to lose weight healthily and NOT deprive yourself of delicious foods.
This master class that I've put together will have you feeling relieved, feeling confident, and wanting to achieve your healthiest body ever!
Bonus #2 - Stress Free Me Webinar
Nutrition plays a massive role in stress. This was a video training taken from my Stress Free Me Membership. It helps you discover what foods get rid of chronic stress and mood disorders. This was an interactive class as always and it was a pleasure to answered everyone's pressing questions.
Learn about various health and lifestyle remedies to cure chronic stress. Gain clarity and the tools needed to implement exactly what you learn in the training. It is sooo worth listening to.
What you need to live a stress free life can be in this exclusive training, so don't miss out on this AMAZING bonus!
Bonus #3 - Eat Stress Away Webinar
Learn my 8-step method to getting rid of depression and anxiety for good with nutrient-dense foods. Navigate your life with more ease and less stress. Gain the exact tools my clients have put into practice to achieve a peaceful life.
Be sure to take notes! By the end of this training, you will have clarity of mind and everything you need to uncover what it means to know your worth. Surpass limiting belief and feel more than enough.
Sign up today for the price of just $397, or two monthly payments of $198.50.