Are You Self-Sabotaging Your Health?

 Self-sabotage stems from different experiences that we as people encounter in life.  Self-sabotage can be the enemy or the lesson depending on how you look at it.  Sabotage in etymology means to walk noisily.  To walk noisily is to have unrest and torment.  Essentially when you self-sabotage in any aspect of life this is coming from a place of unrest.  There is some area of your life where there is severe imbalance.


So many people have a tendency to self-sabotage their physical health. To self-sabotage one's physical health comes from the emotional root.  When you have a bad day at work you may turn to alcohol or overeat due to stress.  Most people in today’s society turn to food as a coping mechanism, but why is this?  What happens psychologically that tells people to turn to food?


We as people have been brainwashed and wired to using food, primarily unhealthy food and toxic substances as a crutch.  The commercials are always promoting a new product and because society is so trusting in the food industry they pay no attention to ingredients and nutritional value.  People trust in these popular fast food chains and restaurants.  There is the, “Everybody else does it, it must be okay” mentality.  I ask you today, “How does the food you are eating make you feel?”  Are you feeling pseudo happiness?  By pseudo happiness I mean are you feeling happy while you are eating the food you enjoy?  Do you feel like shit not too long after you are done eating that food?

Statistically 10 times out of 10 all areas in life are being self-sabotaged.  Some people seek outside sources to fill voids + trust me I have been there before.  You can hear about my journey on Season 1 of the Avi Unfiltered Podcast.  Listen HERE. I know how difficult it can be to delve in and really face what is underlying that is causing these surface behaviors.  However once you get to the root of it you can begin to heal.  Healing is a process.  It is crying sometimes to release, it is screaming sometimes to let go of the stuck energy, it is feeling hopeless, it is happiness because you are making breakthroughs, it is joy because you are gravitating to your higher self, it is peace because you went within and found your light.


Some people do not know how to go within and guess what?  That is totally okay.  When people come to me for holistic health coaching they need tools and techniques that will get them to go deeper.  They not only want to change their nutrition, they want to change their lives for the better.  As I always say there is heal in healthy.  There is always going to be something that needs healing because we will encounter so many things on this journey called life.  It is important to have the tools needed to succeed and bring about balance, peace, joy, and harmony into one’s own life. 


Many people exist, but they are not living.  I say this in the most compassionate way possible, there are walking zombies.  I challenge you to write down what you are eating on a daily basis.  Write down the amount you eat of it, the ingredients, and the way it made you feel.  It is so important to visually see what you are bombarded with on a daily basis.  I actually created a notebook that will assist you on this beautiful journey to health.  Create a vision for yourself and set goals.  Write the vision then draw it.  You don’t have to be an artist, but it helps to maybe do a diagram, bullet points, timelines, etc.  Write it and use the next page to draw your beautiful vision boards however you wish. 

A couple days ago I walked into the mall and I was not happy about clothes.  As a matter of fact I did not stay long, but you know what brought me the most joy?  Grabbing a smoothie.  If you want to make this smoothie at home here are the ingredients: blueberries, peaches, spinach, ice, and water.  It was extremely delicious and made me feel exuberantly happy. I also have a delicious Peachy Berry Smoothie Bowl for you to try HERE . I cannot stress enough how amazing food can actually make you feel.  You are made up of trillions of cells and my goodness do those blueberries love your cells.  They love you so, so much.  Those flavonoids and antioxidants are waiting to get into your system and love you all the way up.

Those peaches with their vitamin C are waiting to boost your immunity and come to your defense to fight off colds and flus.  That beautiful, leafy green spinach and her powerful blood cleansers and plant medicine.  That abundant flowing water to hydrate you, smooth, and clear your skin.  The streams that want to flush the toxins out of your body and repair the lining of your gut.  Your gut has a mind of its own.  When it is imbalanced it affects the other two minds you have.  I discuss the three minds the body has on Season 3 of Avi Unfiltered Podcast.  Listen HERE.


When you cleanse from within + clear the clutter, you can really, truly, honestly focus on what brings you the most peace + longevity.  If you do not know where to start and need someone’s help do not hesitate to reach out to me.  I offer consultations to go over your goals and get a clear sense of what you are looking to improve in your life. 



What can you do today + in this season to make a choice that you are going to give yourself the love you deserve in all aspects?

 Are you ready to stop self-sabotaging? Let me know in the comments!


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