Get rid of heartbreak in 30 days or less without the roller coaster of emotions.
Remove the burden of pain so you can feel free.
Turn that depression into happiness.
Get It Now For Only
Feel The Pain Of Heartbreak Forever
Discover My Proven Strategy For Getting Over Heartbreak…
Take a gander at this brand new mini-course!
Inside you’ll find 6 in-depth video trainings and handouts of proven strategies you MUST have that will turn your sad heart into a heart that sings with joy.
Whether you had a recent break up, a toxic ex, can’t find the right one, have endless crushes, but no relationship, or single and unhappy - the How To Get Over Heartbreak course has what you need to take you from feeling depressed and worthless to blissful and joyous in your daily life.
Forget his a$$.
Have you ever been with someone that you couldn’t get over? You know the one that you thought you would always be with? You know the one that was going to marry and impregnate your fine a$$ one day? But then suddenly he just wasn’t “feeling it anymore”….
How about the one who has anxious, avoidant, attachment or whatever the hell lol and he decides to ghost you? You know the one you were so kind to, but then he had some sort of trauma that he never expressed to you so then he leaves out of nowhere. Now, you’re crying in a bowl of oreos with some coconut milk asking yourself, “What did I do?”
Meanwhile he’s out blowing some bitch back out because he has some mommy and daddy issues - enjoys toxic love. Now, every bitch you see him with triggers TF out of you because you feel rejected. Good Lord! Let me tell you writing this makes me so mad for your innocent, sweet heart.
As cliche as this sounds, hun what he did has nothing to do with you and the quickest way to forget him is in my in-depth video trainings. Oh and you’re at the right place because I am the master at detachment. I’ll forget a mofo so fast he’ll forget he existed lol
And guess TF what?
I’m going to show you how to do the same. You’re going to get over him quickly with my strategic methods so you can remember Mr. Do You Right who always comes in when you heal from Mr. Do Yo Ass Wrong. Let me show you how it’s done…

About Me
I know how heartbreak feels. I’ve had two good relationships and a few bad ones. While I’ve experienced domestic violence and abuse in a relationship before, the worst pain has come from betrayal.
The betrayal of someone wanting to take things further with you, then pulling away and not knowing what happened. The betrayal of them being with someone else and not telling you who it was…so you can’t confront both of them.
Many people say dating drug dealers and gangsters are bad. I’ve dated both many years ago before I changed my life and got into holistic health - they were the most loyal and loving. It’s the seemingly nice and low-key ones you have to watch out for. They’re the most sneaky.
I’m certainly not saying go for the man who sells drugs, but what I am saying is don’t be bamboozled by people who “look the part” of a good guy.
Yes, there are kind men who are laid back and genuine, but those wannabe nice ones who are love bombers, you think are wrapped in a gift box sent from heaven are toxic AF.
I’ve seen it all when it comes to relationships and have worked with clients globally helping them get over heartbreak. In 2015, I went to school to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Educator.
Now when people think of holistic health they mostly think of nutrition. While that is part of holistic health there are more components to it. Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects are imperative to feeling whole.
When I work with my clients we focus on those aspects so they can feel spectacular on a holistic level. I have a platform on TikTok of 31,000 followers and many of them deal with relationship problems and heartbreak.
I’ve worked with people for years and enrolled them in my other programs. Nutrition, fitness, and doing shadow work has helped them tremendously, but I decided that they needed a standalone course - where the focus was solely on helping them get over heartbreak.
So, I have compiled all of my resources in this course so you can get over heartbreak and feel better about yourself in 30 days or less!
Bringing back the joy in your life.
Heartbreak can be a pain in the a$$ and the heart. I mean you were doing fine and then someone had to do something that sucked the joy from your life.
Now, you don’t feel like yourself and forget how it is to be happy.
You find yourself barely eating because you have no appetite and other days you are overeating because your appetite was suppressed for so long.
Your weight is up and down, your sad one day, then joyous the next.
You wish you could hold onto joy, but then the awful memories of being betrayed, left, grief, and loss start to creep in…
So, you start crying and feel trapped in sorrow.
This is normal and it’s the body’s way of bringing you back into balance, but without clear direction there’s no way to get out of this day to day rollercoaster of emotions.
Those ups and downs can take years to overcome.
And that would mean you won’t experience a fulfilled, joyous life.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
This is why taking a holistic approach where you can get to the root of heartbreak is key.
And it doesn’t have to take years or even months to achieve.
With a strategic, guided, and proven approach that’s tailored to your individual needs…heartbreak could be old news in 30 days or less.
How is it possible to get over heartbreak in a short period of time?
Many people have a hard time getting over heartbreak because of the memories and feeling a loss.
When you are able to take an intricate deep dive as to why those memories make you sad and why you feel incomplete you can begin to heal.
Most people don’t know where to start in their healing process and this is why it takes years or they don’t heal at all.
This is why you hear of people being diagnosed with depression, bipolar, and various mood disorders. They’re either on medication or constantly feel imbalanced.
Because they want to heal so badly and get rid of pain, but don’t know how.
Some people don’t like to face their pain because it makes them feel bad.
While I understand it, this is not healthy, and can affect their lives in a negative way.
However, when you get to the root and begin to unravel in a sequential way, the healing process doesn’t take long.
In fact, I’ve worked with clients who have suffered with trauma for many years. Once they enrolled in my program they saw results in a matter of weeks
What are the benefits of taking this course?
This course is for people who have gone through a relationship heartbreak and are having a hard time moving on in their life without the person they were with.
Maybe you had to leave that person because they didn’t treat you right or they left you and you always thought you’d be together.
Maybe you weren’t with the person, but you wanted to be, and now they’re with someone else.
Maybe you have a crush on someone who doesn’t like you back and it’s difficult to stop liking them.
Well, you’re in the right place.
This can take a toll on your self-esteem and impact your life in a negative way.
With this course you will have a confidence boost and you won’t want those people who broke your heart.
You’ll become a master at detaching from emotionally unavailable people.
You’ll feel beautiful and have more peace.
Life will be fun again.
Learn my proven approach to healing your heart in the How To Get Over Heartbreak Course.
It is strategically broken up into 4 modules…
In Module 1 you’ll learn how to forget about who broke your heart and not be triggered.
In Module 2 you’ll learn how to get to the root cause of your heartbreak and how to let go.
In Module 3 you’ll learn how to detach with ease so you can embrace the new you.
In Module 4 you’ll learn how to move forward and feel whole within yourself.
How To Get Over Heartbreak gives you the tools that many don’t have access to when it comes to healing.
People have paid therapists thousands of dollars to help them get over heartbreak for years.
Each week they have a session and the client expresses what they want to focus on, but they don’t have a transformative experience.
This is what makes this course different and sets you apart.
I take years of research and strategically break it down into 4 parts so you can have a massive breakthrough in 30 days or less.
This is a deep dive immersion course that puts you on the fast pace of healing for good.
What You’ll Get Inside The How To Get Over Heartbreak Course.
Yes, I know you have a busy schedule so no need to worry. With this self-paced course you can access the video trainings at a time that’s convenient for you.
There are 4 videos and guides that go along with each one so you can retain the information and implement what you’ve learned right away.
With lifetime access you can revisit these videos whenever your schedule allows. The course is strategically organized into 4 modules…
Module One
Go No Contact The quickest way of getting over heartbreak is to stop reliving the pain. Discover a unique way to getting rid of someone who broke your heart. Instantly gain access to peace by turning away from the past and looking forward towards a joyous future.
Module Two
Getting to The Root Focusing on the symptoms will never cure the problem, but focusing on the root cause will. Take a deep dive into what is ailing your heart and remove what is holding you back from feeling whole within yourself.
Module Three
How To Detach When getting over heartbreak it can be difficult to detach, but not with my methods. You’ll quickly learn how to detach so and get rid of emotional wounds keeping you stuck. Once you detach you will be able to recognize and connect to people, places, and things that make your heart sing.
Module Four
Moving Forward Learn the art of becoming unstuck from the past and looking forward to a brand new future. Embark on a journey of bliss as you break free from trauma. Embrace your beauty and start attracting, not chasing healthy love into your life.
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
The epic outcome from taking this course…
Once you complete this course you will:
Have the tools you need to live a peaceful life filled with joy.
Release the pain of relationship heartbreak for good.
Detach from what’s no longer serving you.
Put your happiness at the forefront.
Plus Two Bonuses

Bonus #1 - How To Spot The Green Flags In A Relationship Partner Mini Webinar
What if there was a special alarm that went off when you spotted someone who was good for you?
Wouldn’t that make your dating life easier?
Well, there may not be a tool that currently does that, but there are ways to spot a good person.
After doing research and from personal I discovered what makes a person an excellent relationship partner.
There are specific green flags you can capture with my methods that will make your internal alert aka intuition go off in a good way.
Discover how it feels to be in the presence of someone who is good for you through the process of mapping, alignment, and discernment.
Bonus #2 - How To Spot The Red Flags In A Relationship Partner Mini Webinar
Where is that magical stop sign that prevents the toxic, energy vampires from coming near you?
That would save you much time and heartbreak, but this isn’t realistic.
There is also no way to prevent a person who isn’t good for you from coming towards you.
But there is a way that helps you not fall for their BS.
And that requires knowing the signs so you can easily remove people from your life.
In this mini webinar I will be providing you with a detailed analysis of someone who has red flags and how to steer clear of them.
This proven approach will kick the low vibrational people who are bad for you out of your life for good.