How To Be Single and Happy
Live a blissful life until the right one comes along.
Prioritize yourself and enjoy your own company.
Get It Now For Only
Be miserable and attract the same toxic losers.
Discover My Proven Strategy For Being Single and Happy…
Take a gander at this brand new mini-course!
Inside you’ll find 4 in-depth video trainings and handouts of proven strategies you MUST have that will turn your miserable single life into a joyous one.
Whether you had a recent break up, can’t find the right one, have endless crushes, but no relationship, or single and unhappy - the How To Be Single and Happy course has what you need to take you from feeling hopeless and helpless in love to blissful and joyous in your daily life.
You Deserve To Attract Better.
Have you ever been treated so poorly in a relationship that you didn’t feel worthy? Have you been single for a while and feel as though you’re not attractive to anyone? These experiences and this negative way of thinking can make you feel lousy.
Do you want to know what else happens when you think and feel this way? You start to attract lousy people who project their insecurities onto you. Continuously feeling this way about yourself based on negative situations you have encountered with other people will be detrimental.
You may even settle because you feel that’s the only type of person who’s going to love you. Settling is a horrible thing to do and the wrong mindset to have. Seriously, get that out of your head right now. The good news is there’s a method to attracting better.
And it doesn’t take you adhering to someone else’s wants and needs that go against your morale. It also doesn’t require you to have to go get plastic surgery, fillers, and botox. I mean if you want to get that, that’s up to you, but the method I teach doesn’t involve any of that.
Because it’s an inside job. So, if you want to feel deserving and not willing to settle for less, you’re in good hands. I am the self love Empress with standards…

About Me
I’m a psychic medium and holistic health coach who has been single by choice for awhile now. The last time I dated was 6 months ago and nothing came from it. Some may say it was a waste of time, but it was my last lesson in toxic dating - that propelled me on my single and happy journey.
I took that 6 months to do some shadow work and focus on what made me feel happy. I also discovered why I kept attracting liars and manipulators. Even though what a toxic person does to you isn’t right, it’s imperative to take accountability as well.
Understanding why you wore rose-colored glasses with certain individuals…why you felt the need to have said person in your life gives you a visual of what you no longer want to attract. Since doing that much needed deep dive I’ve felt much better.
When I work with my clients we focus on self love so they can feel spectacular on a holistic level. I have a platform on TikTok of 31,000 followers and many of them deal with relationship problems and heartbreak.
I’ve worked with people for years and enrolled them in my other programs. Nutrition, fitness, and doing shadow work has helped them tremendously, but I decided that they needed a standalone course - where the focus was solely on helping them be single and happy.
So, I have compiled all of my resources in this course so you can learn the art of being single and happy in 30 days or less. Once you know what true love is you will be able to attract better.
Why should you be single and happy?
When you look for another person to complete you and bring you happiness you are setting yourself up to be depressed and angry at the world.
You will also continuously attract people who will be emotionally unavailable to you…
Because you are sending out a universal signal that you are not emotionally available to yourself.
This is why when people leave your life you may have a rough time.
That abandonment wound needs to be addressed so you can attract real love into your life.
When you focus on you and give yourself the love that you need you won’t look for outsiders.
You will start to attract people who love you because of the way you love yourself.
You teach people how to treat you…
And when others see you taking good care of yourself they will want to do the same for you.
But if you treat yourself like crap, you will manifest crappy people.
Then you will have another sob story under your belt.
Now, here comes the sadness and the healing after heartbreak all over again.
This is why taking a holistic approach where you can get to the root of what’s holding you back from loving yourself is key.
And it doesn’t have to take years or even months to recognize it..
With a strategic, guided, and proven approach that’s tailored to your individual needs…being single and happy so you can attract an amazing person could be exciting.
What are the benefits of taking this course?
This course is for people who are single and miserable. You can find yourself complaining about how men are shitty and never thinking you’re going to find someone.
Maybe you had a string of bad relationships and don’t feel worthy of an amazing person.
Maybe it’s hard for you to find a person and you keep crushing on people who don’t like you back.
Maybe you are always focused on a new love interest that gives you a dopamine rush, until you discover they are interested in someone else.
Now, you’re down in the dumps and want to order some fast food so you can eat your feelings.
Any of the above sound relatable?
Amazing! That means you’re in the right place.
You can fall in love with yourself by putting yourself first and doing what you love.
With this course you will have a confidence boost and feel deserving.
You’ll become a master at loving yourself and self worth.
You’ll feel beautiful and have more peace.
Life will be fun again.
Learn my proven approach to loving yourself so you can attract better in the How To Be Single and Happy Course.
It is strategically broken up into 4 modules…
In Module 1 you’ll learn how to identify your needs and wants so you can feel worthy of love.
In Module 2 you’ll learn how to organize your time to do what you love in accordance with yous Spirit.
In Module 3 you’ll learn the importance of self care and how to do it correctly.
In Module 4 you’ll learn the importance of prioritizing yourself and how to easily incorporate it on a daily basis.
What You’ll Get Inside The How To Be Single and Happy Course.
Yes, I know you have a busy schedule so no need to worry. With this self-paced course you can access the video trainings at a time that’s convenient for you.
There are 4 videos and guides that go along with each one so you can retain the information and implement what you’ve learned right away.
With lifetime access you can revisit these videos whenever your schedule allows. The course is strategically organized into 4 modules…
Module One
Self Identification Identifying your needs and wants are crucial when building a relationship with yourself and others. It will save you from attracting people who trigger your unhealed wounds. Discover what makes you feel unloved so you can live life according to your standards without guilt.
Module Two
Do What You Love Get rid of people pleasing tendencies and surpass the limiting beliefs that you are not meant to enjoy life. When you do what you love you will understand what it feels like to be exuberant. Learn the difference between a low and high vibration so you can repel toxicity in your life.
Module Three
Self Care Spa days are lovely and they are essential to looking beautiful, but focusing on outward beauty will give you temporary happiness. Doing the inner healing work will allow for you to access peace for the long haul.
Module Four
Prioritize Yourself Set aside time to give your body what it needs. Focus on how you can best support yourself on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Create an exciting routine that makes you feel abundantly blissful on a daily basis.
The epic outcome from taking this course…
Once you complete this course you will:
Set healthy boundaries with others.
Get rid of people pleasing tendencies for good.
Do what makes you happy without guilt.
Build a healthy relationship with yourself..
Plus Two Bonuses

Bonus #1 - How To Spot The Green Flags In A Relationship Partner Mini Webinar
What if there was a special alarm that went off when you spotted someone who was good for you?
Wouldn’t that make your dating life easier?
Well, there may not be a tool that currently does that, but there are ways to spot a good person.
After doing research and from personal I discovered what makes a person an excellent relationship partner.
There are specific green flags you can capture with my methods that will make your internal alert aka intuition go off in a good way.
Discover how it feels to be in the presence of someone who is good for you through the process of mapping, alignment, and discernment.
Bonus #2 - How To Spot The Red Flags In A Relationship Partner Mini Webinar
Where is that magical stop sign that prevents the toxic, energy vampires from coming near you?
That would save you much time and heartbreak, but this isn’t realistic.
There is also no way to prevent a person who isn’t good for you from coming towards you.
But there is a way that helps you not fall for their BS.
And that requires knowing the signs so you can easily remove people from your life.
In this mini webinar I will be providing you with a detailed analysis of someone who has red flags and how to steer clear of them.
This proven approach will kick the low vibrational people who are bad for you out of your life for good.