4 Tips To Stay Consistent With Your Diet and Lose Weight [NEVER FALL OFF THE WAGON AGAIN]

Falling off the wagon when it comes to diet is completely normal. I mean you do great for a month or a week and feel on top of the world right? Then here comes the next day and you’re binge eating. Nowadays we exist in a world where people concentrate on losing weight and forget about nutrition. There are many people who are heavily attracted to the physical transformation of weight loss. I completely get it because I was this way as well. Back when I had no clue about nutrition, micronutrients, phytochemicals, phytonutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and more I focused heavily on dietary restriction.

For three years I struggled trying to lose weight when I was in college. I had endometriosis for 8 painful ass years and was on the Yaz birth control pill. From high school up until college I weighed 135 lbs. and enjoyed being that way. It flattered my shape and it was comfortable for me. However within three months of being on the Yaz birth control pill I gained 33 lbs. I felt miserable, uncomfortable, and ashamed of my body. Being 168 lbs. was something I was not used to. My wardrobe went from stylish to hoodies and out of shape sweatpants.

I no longer cared about the way I look. I have seen women who are heavier that look absolutely beautiful and can flaunt a more fuller shape really well, but that was not the case for me. I am certainly not body shaming. I am simply sharing my feelings and being honest about how I felt about myself at that time. With no clue about nutrition I kept frequenting the fast food drive thru. This was the way I ate when I was 135 lbs. without being on the Yaz birth control pill. However I kept packing on the pounds. I’ll say this again…For THREE years I struggled trying to lose a measly 33 lbs. because I did not know about nutrition.

Once I got tired of feeling depressed and not loving how I looked I took PROACTIVE steps and reached out to someone. This person gave me a meal plan, but they also did not know about nutrition. Yes I lost 6 lbs., but I hated eating small meals every 2 hrs. and constantly feeling shaky. The foods and snacks I was eating were void of nutrients and filled with toxic ingredients so my body was actually starving. I hated calorie counting and did not like my food. In my head I thought, “Does weight loss have to be this boring and depressing?”

Thankfully my mom came across someone on television who was promoting the idea that we should eat more nutrient-dense food and you never have to count calories. This is actually the journey that sky-rocketed my mom to losing over 200 lbs. For her full story and experience listen to my interview with her on my Avi Unfiltered Podcast. She is such a phenomenal and incredible woman! I love her so much! I started to implement what I was being taught from this televised show, read some nutrition books, lost 10 lbs. in a week and kept it off.

Guess what? You can do the same Loverly Peacefuls™ I have compiled my top 4 TIPS that will keep you consistent with your diet, WITHOUT stress, and losing weight while enjoying healthy meals below:


knowing why your goals are to lose weight and eat healthier are important to ensure your health success. On days where you so badly want Oreos, Kit-Kat bars, a Snickers bars, and a bucket of Dairy Queen ice cream your WHY will keep yo on track. It is super important to write down a list of how you will feel if you have those foods. This way you can gauge how you react to certain foods. Make a “Boundaries List”. When you are aware of the boundaries when it comes to eating junk foods and you know the detrimental effects these become a reminder and you will be less likely to fall off the wagon. Maybe your motivation for wanting to be healthier is that one of your relatives had an illness that was caused by poor nutrition. Whatever it is always remember it on days where you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and want to find comfort in junk foods.

Stop Dieting

I am so tired of everyone jumping on the bandwagon of dieting. There is a difference between a diet and dieting. A diet is a lifestyle and a way of eating. Dieting is what you do to lose weight and sometimes this can have detrimental effects on the body. So many people fall for these weight loss programs that teach you that weight loss is achieved by restricting your calories and portion sizing. Can you say this is such a myth? This is the most UNHEALTHY way to lose weight. Basically it doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you stick with that amount of calories. This is not sustainable and you will end up binge eating and gaining all the weight back. With caloric restriction you activate these enzymes: fatty acid synthase, acetyl-CoA-carboxylase, ATP citrate lyase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The body will hold onto and store those calories in its tissues.

This prevents the loss of body fat and once these enzymes are activated, it makes it hard to stop. Once you return to eating the amount of calories before you started dieting your body will store those calories as fat. What I have my clients do in my 12-Week Eat Stress Away Program and my 4-Week Nutritional Coaching Program is to eat their food favorites in a healthier version. They still have quesadillas, burgers, pizza, fries, but they are nutrient-dense. Yes of course the bulk of their meals contain fruits and veggies, but they don’t have to ever deprive themselves.


I highly recommend utilizing crystals that will help you navigate through emotional eating and food addiction. Crystals are frequency and vibration. They contain ancient wisdom. Stress and anxiety pushes many women to overeat. It is completely normal so don’t beat yourself up for it. Crystals, such as obsidian, tourmaline, carnelian, selenite, white quartz, and so much more can balance you out.


Commit to a way of eating, whether that be eating breakfast at 8:30 am, lunch at 12:30 pm, and dinner at 6 pm. You can also do intermittent fasting. Whatever lifestyle of eating aka diet that works for you stick with it for at least a week. During this time you want to make sure you are writing all of your meals down in a journal. I have fabulously stylish “Foodie Moody Journals” that will be your health motivator bestie and will keep you on track. GRAB THEM HERE. This way you will know exactly what foods agree with your body and what foods may not. This will also help you stay consistent and reach your weight loss goals faster.

Never ever fall of the wagon with these tips. Beating yourself up over the fact that you gained so much weight and feeling like a failure is not going to help you. For extra motivation take a listen to Episode 150: The Diet Is Consistent of the Avi Unfiltered Podcast. After reading this post start implementing these tips right away. You want to be sure as to why you want to lose weight an be healthy because this is going to propel you forward in reaching your goals.

This creates boundaries. For instance, when you were young you probably were told not to put your finger in the socket because you would get electrocuted right? Well it is the same with food. What is the worst thing that can happen to you if you put certain junk food items in your mouth? How will you feel? Ask yourself these questions and see if is worth eating. When you stop dieting and feeling like you are punching into a job you absolutely hate you will discover that your meals are meant to be enjoyed. Dieting is not the way to go. You are meant to enjoy your food. Focus on the nutrient density of each and incorporate more plant-based foods.

Utilize crystals on days where you feel imbalanced. They can pick up on where there are energy blockages and remove toxic feelings and emotions. I highly recommend grounding stones and stones that support spiritual growth. For spiritual growth I am seeing purple charoite. You can use this for third eye activation to gain spiritual insight. Remember to commit to something, whether that be eating mostly plant-based for 3-4 days, and then eating what you normally eat. You can incorporate one vegan, plant-based meal for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Whatever you decide on do it for at least ONE week and track how you feel in the meal tracker. Grab a “Foodie Moody Journal” to support you in this process.

Are you currently having trouble staying consistent with your diet? Let me know in the comments!

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