Chocolate Reduces Stress
Whether it is hot chocolate, a chocolate candy bar, chocolate cake, chocolate muffins, or chocolate tea I think it’s safe to say the majority of the people on this planet absolutely love chocolate! I mean who doesn’t love that rich flavor penetrating their tongue and exciting their taste buds right? Chocolate is a go-to when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, dealing with menstrual cramps, need a bit of energy, or simply for the enjoyment effect.
Although chocolate tastes absolutely amazing all chocolate is not created equal in that some provide health benefits and some do not. Some chocolate that does not provide health benefits are popular candy bars, processed and packaged chocolate products that contain sugar. In a study published in 2014 JAMA Internal Medicine it was said that people who consume a high sugar diet are at greater risk of dying from heart disease. Added sugar contributes to heart attack, metabolic diseases, fatty liver disease, and inflammation.
It can lead to an imbalance of insulin and blood sugar, but it also drains the B vitamins required to sustain a positive mood. There was a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies on the effect of dietary sugar intake and subclinical inflammation that link sugar to chronic inflammation. Anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder are all psychiatric disorders where inflammation is involved.
Chocolate having the ability to reduce stress may sound absolutely bazaar to some people for the fact that it has been associated with junk foods. I mean people who do fitness training or are on a strict diet hear, “eat chocolate” and automatically associate it with a “cheat meal”. Many are not aware that you can have chocolate every single day. I highly recommend dark, unsweetened chocolate, such as cacao, cocoa powder, and/or carob. You want to make sure it is organic and not compromised.
As of late, people are drinking unsweetened chocolate with warm water as a beverage to start the day. I personally do intermittent fasting and although chocolate is not calorically dense, I prefer to have it later on. You can add dark chocolate to your smoothies and if you want to sweeten it, simply add organic, pitted medjool dates. For the coffee drinkers you can add a bit of chocolate to a mushroom “coffee” so it can taste like hot chocolate, cappuccino, or even a latte. You may have to add a bit more coconut, almond, cashew, and/or Brazil nut milk for the latte
How can chocolate ACTUALLY reduce stress?
Dark chocolate can be helpful for anxiety relief due to its antioxidants and flavanols. When sweetened with dried fruits, mixed with omega-3s found in nuts, and seeds the taste alone can also reduce stress levels. The antioxidants reduce stress by lowering levels of cortisol, as well as the fight-or-flight hormones commonly known as catecholamines. Catecholamines are norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. When there is a rise in the fight-or-flight response epinephrine and norepinephrine circulate from the adrenal medulla and this is necessary for survival. However sustained elevation of circulating catecholamines for prolonged periods of time can cause post-traumatic stress disorder.
Eating a piece of dark chocolate or incorporating it into your meals daily, especially if you experience chronic stress can be beneficial so you can avoid this. Cacao has magnesium and mood-boosting alkaloids. Magnesium is known to help reduce anxiety. With its ability to maintain serotonin and dopamine levels in the body Magnesium brings a calming effect to the body. It influences the activity of GABA (GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID), which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. This helps with reducing fear and anxiety. In my observation many women turn to chocolate when they PMS. It is a common craving and the reason being is the GABA effects due to the Magnesium in the chocolate.
To conclude, having unsweetened dark chocolate daily can have positive effect on your mood. Have a daily drink, eat the chocolate in its raw form, or mix it with dried fruits and nuts for added health benefits. Make sure the chocolate does not contain added sugar. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or any mood disorder incorporate this food item into your diet and see how you feel. I would NEVER tell someone to get off of their medications, but utilizing natural remedies can support your health.
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