5 Reasons You Need A Tarot Reading
“Tarot is demonic and you’re invoking demons.”
I’ve come across people online via my TikTok PLATFORM who have said this in so many words.
Although I don’t impose on others I can relate to where the “trolls” are coming from.
You see years ago I was in Church and tarot was viewed as witchy, demonic, and divination. Therefore this spiritual practice was frowned upon. It was said that when you read tarot you are communicating with evil spirits. However once I left the Church and went on my own spiritual journey I realized everything I learned was some parts true and mostly false.
Being the open-minded individual that I am I did research. I took the Bible and dissected it. I’ve always had a special relationship with the Bible and the revelations that Spirit would give me were not taught in the Church. As a matter of fact I was considered a “rebel” because I would go to Church, present new information, and was repeatedly shut down.
For instance, I presented the fact that the New Year was really the end of March instead of January. Aries is the New Year by nature’s standards and Universal Law. No one wanted to change their belief and as the friction grew I peacefully parted ways with the Church. This is not a dig at the Church I went to. It saved my life from going down a horrible path years back and thankful for the prayers that helped me pull through tough times. As I evolved in my own learning I realized it was time to leave.
Sharing different views and perspectives are one of the most beautiful acts we can exchange on this planet. As I continued my research and began studying metaphysics, etymology, and various books I discovered that we as a people have been bamboozled by the origins of religion. The leaders of churches across the country have been teaching us the Bible in a literal sense and forgetting that there are metaphors, allegory, anthropomorphism, and figurative language.
The Bible itself is Biblios Helios, which is The Sun Book. It is literally The Book of Astrology. As my third eye continued to open to new knowledge I realized that divination wasn’t evil, nor was spirituality. Divination is the act of foretelling the future. It is prophecy. Spirit means breath and contains ancient wisdom that is preserved through wisdom, knowledge, proper nutrition, and non toxic environments withIN and withOUT the body.
Now I completely agree that not everyone should be prophesying into people’s lives when they’re not connected to Creator, Spirit, and angels. However tarot does not originate from evil and has been around for centuries. It was developed by ancient, indigenous peoples.
They used tarot as a form of communication and navigation. Each picture on the card was left up to the interpretation of the reader to decipher what the spiritual realms and ancestors were sharing. It acts as a guide through life.
Why would you need a tarot reading? Here are 5 reasons why:
Reason # 1 - Guidance
Sometimes you can feel stuck in life. Maybe you’re in need of some answers, but don’t know which direction to go in. This is the perfect time to connect with a spiritually guided individual who can help you propel forward. It’s a horrendous feeling when you feel lost. This can actually be a detriment in your life and has been known to get people in a funk state. Your life is meant to be magical and peaceful. Seeking out the help of a true spiritual person and kind soul can help you gain clarity.
Reason # 2 - Health
Although tarot readings do not replace medical advice, let’s face it, doctor’s can get it wrong sometimes. I can’t tell you how many doctor’s visits that I’ve had where I’ve been misdiagnosed. Spiritual guidance helped me figure out some of my ailments and the proper holistic treatments I needed. Spirit is connected to the omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It is all knowing. When a reader is in alignment with Universal wisdom, knowledge, and understanding they can decipher what you need for your health. Be sure to go to a reader who is well-versed in ancient medicine, holistic health, nutrition, and progressive treatments.
Reason # 3 - Self Love
Many people struggle to love themselves and love the body they live in. Nowadays there are so many people comparing themselves to others, copying other people, and getting surgery for a confidence boost. What I’ve noticed is people who struggle with self love weren’t taught to be their most authentic self. They weren’t given a solid foundation of self worth and confidence. Therefore they seek outside validation. A tarot reading can share with you what is keeping you from loving yourself. It can provide you with all the necessary tools you need to feel at home within your body on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. You will feel more whole within and see your unique beauty.
Reason # 4 - Career/Purpose
Maybe you get paid well, but your job drains you. Maybe you are drawn to something you love to do daily, but don’t know if that’s the direction you want to go in. Selecting a tarot reader who is connected to Creator, Spirit, and Angels can give you the answers you need to help you discover what your purpose is. Utilizing intuition, tarot cards, and a birth chart can clarify your path for you. Going through the motions and living life aimlessly has been shown to create mental health decline. Your health and well-being are important and doing what you love is a must.
Reason # 5 - Lost A Loved One
Losing a loved one isn’t easy and what makes it worse is being left with the feeling of regret. People tend to regret how they may have treated someone who passed away or not being able to tell someone how they felt. It can take a toll on your mind and leave anyone in a depressive state. What if you were able to receive messages from loved ones again? How would you feel?…not every reader is a medium. I am a reader and a medium and I can’t tell you how many times it has brought joy into their lives to hear from their loved ones again. They left feeling guilt free and more at peace.
I highly recommend everyone gets a reading done. Whether the reading is with or without tarot cards it doesn’t matter. What matters is your transformation. What matters is your healing process. What matters is that you can now live a life of love, joy, and peace because you have clarity. Let’s face it we all need guidance from time-to-time because naturally we don’t know all the answers. However Spirit knows all. Health reads are a must and doing them frequently is key to maintaining good health. It is imperative. You live in your body and it likes to be in homeostasis. Throwing it off balance can produce disEASE of mind, body, spirit, and/or soul. Doing a check in with spirit realms through a competent reader can bring comfort to your situation.
Everyday we don’t feel confident. Get a self love and confidence boost from your spirit team. Discover what you need on an individual basis to make you feel amazing on a daily basis. Choosing what career you want can be difficult especially if you either can’t decide or have too many interests. Let Spirit help you narrow your choices down so you can move towards success. Lastly, if you have a loved one that you want to hear from then finding a reader who is also a medium will help guide you in the right direction. Get the peace that you need from that traumatic situation.